~ Setting things on fire. Mostly words ~

~ Often speaking in tongues ~

~ to Each Other ~

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Neurons that Wire Together, Fire Together ~ a Journey in Neuroplasticity and Pain

The video link here concerns both Hindsight and Foretelling.  Perceptions of one affects the other.   You might want to listen to it before you read further ~ 

My journey into Neuroplasticity and Pain follows ...

Weekly LightBlast with Jayme Price - Foretelling and Hindsight

     I allow my vulnerabilities to expand my strength.  What does that mean?  For me ~ the present includes acknowledgement and curiosity about a painful neurological condition I've been recently blessed with.   It makes me incredibly vulnerable to all energy. Open.  Too open in that the nervous system detects normal stimuli such as eating, talking or hearing as threat and reacts sending the messages along the vertebrae as flight pain signals. 

Indescribable pain that travels along the nerve paths throughout the head, affecting eyes, ears, face, teeth and provides highly unpleasant sensations within the skull ~ Trigeminal Neuralgia

'They' say it's incurable.  I choose to remain open and curious about it for now. 'They' call it the suicide disease because many who get it experience the desire to be freed of its pain enough to entertain suicide to be rid of it.  

During my worst flare ups I can say this assessment can be a most obvious one. 

But, it's gift of being 'too open' has meant that my spirit parameters along with my nervous system are open, more sensitized to both the reception of information and energy, as well the enabling the transmission of same to and through others.     

I've long had these channels available for conscious use towards practice or 'effect' of self-healing or, healing others fragmented body, mind or spirit.   Or available for the simple transmission of energy or thought.  The results of those conscious experimentation in expansion and contraction are in and of themselves a meritous study.  

The gift now is that some of the 'blinders' I've had surrounding  'cause' attached to conscious choices are removed, this is enabling me to make more harmonious choices of action in the now, because clarity & increased scope of vision and sensitivity have been the trade off for having the 'windows' and 'doors' blown off of my inner 'house.'   Perception of Cause and Effect as they relate to chosen expansion and reactive contraction are 'widened'.   

Through this opening at first came uncontrollable waves of pain in stimulus.   Secondary inadvertent blessing is that my body intolerance for conventional pain medicine has disallowed their use as a 'dampener' effect to shut down or slow down wave and rate of electrical, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energetic information. 

I've had to learn that an open door also let's out same energies leading to easy depletion and exhaustion.  Therefore I return to centre to stillness to quiet through mindfulness and breathing ~ because 'centre' is by contrast a place of slowed vibration, a place of 'wise' mind, where the organism neither strains towards the past, nor rails to be in the future ~ racing and straining finds peace in neither.   I am instead discovering an all encompassing vision and awareness within each current moment.   In the moment exists enough energy for that moment ~ it is neither wasted, taxed nor 'spent.'

The pain and over loud stimulus has led me to have to utilise the learned tools of slow deep breath, mindful awareness of the moment, intentional progressive muscle relaxation and gentle visualisation, in order to slow down the rate of painful sensory input.   The input may still be as loud and brash and as searingly painful as before, but with less stimulation provided by energy given over to mental & emotional rumination ~ all that remains 'true' within the present moment can be accepted more harmoniously in such a way as to elicit less nerve damage which compounded with the normal systemic body reactions of fight or flight.  

Acceptance in the moment means the energy of fight is removed along with the expenditure of energy of the desire to flee.  

     Hindsight and foretelling are still very much a part of the active base of my being and how I intersect with the world, but it's as this video alludes ... I am cause and I am effect.   I allow the wisdom that comes with past experience to be used for the bedrock & culmination of wisdom it contains, but rather than ruminate painfully on its 'story' ~ I gather it's inherent learned won wisdom, and I free up my energy centres in the moment to allow flow.   Flow devoid of expectation.  Flow that allows that best and highest of vibration which enriches my expansion, permits choices made upon the base of it's widening berth of information.  Being in quiet centre allows flow that enlarges and enriches my body, mind and spirit towards action towards acting in same ~ and best of all, has more than enough room to effortlessly allow sensitivities and openness to others to share whatever spills through me that supports their own flourishing.    

In this we can see that 'blessings' and 'curses' can be two sides of the same coin. 

     This very openness and return to a slowed centre now makes me examine with fresh eyes and ears of the heart and spirit, the information that I have prior been privacy to regarding past and future for self, and such information about those who cross my paths wherever we connect.   I'm beginning to look at this intuitive information in that, with the blinders of ego blown off my windows and doors, the 'doors of perception' are now allowing me to perceive both self and others without the colouring of past prejudice to cloud my judgment of the intuitive information about them (and self) I receive.   

Expectation is also a welcomed casualty of this experience.  With less personal blocks to my perception of others, my own channel as vessel to support healing universal energy in love towards them ~ expands and widens to dissolve obstacles born of my own limited egoic thinking. 

Instead I allow self to tap into and become one with the stronger wider tide from which we all flow.   

Psychic, mental, emotional and physical vulnerability in self is embraced as a vessel that allows choice.  I understand now the energetic consequences of choice.   Within me the dynamics of cause and effect now play out in a shortened time span that I have never heretofore witnessed.  

If I choose to pay attention to only the fear and pain vibrations that pour through my doors as based upon a traumatic past, they create and manifest further inner and outer world blocks .... Or if I choose to be willing to let these go in order to open ones arms even wider to every other possibility ~ and if I couple it with the mindful intent to welcome ALL information ~ then that tide of information now becomes just that - information -  In silence and stillness I can reach out to nurture options inherent within that internal rush of stimuli that can support untold opportunities for growth and healing of self ~ and well as allow conduit for same in others.  

Choice has always been mine, but this experience of neural high sensitization to energy has allowed Blake's Doors of Perception to become open.  Conscious Choice devoid of detritus of old matter from the past becomes mine.   Hindsight become a base, not a sentence.   Foretelling becomes effect I can choose, no longer a small-sighted unavoidable and intractable 'sentence' ~ but rather an energetic conscious realization of the scope and magnitude of the positive creative manifestive now.  

I can make choices that align with harmonious growth that exist within this moment.   I can plant conscious seeds that affect the future.   

For me, to fortell becomes now a paticapitory action where neurons that wire together ~ fire together.