"Seemail” definition: to chat by web cam.
Like an email, but where one can see the other.
From: Mr. Nicimos
To: @nicimos_
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 7:29:57 PM
Subject: 'Pro' seemail
Had to endure a seemail today where no one got their cocks out, or came. No one jizzed up their arm. No one had an orgasm that transgressed time, space or physics. No one had the fun we have when we seemail.
Couldn't resist this sneaky pic, the screens here are as big as wardrobes. Went into a reverie just imagining us appearing at this size!
The man in the left screen is a photographer called ____ - he was in New York, his time about 8am. You can see me in the screen too! This meeting lasted four, yes count em four hours. My guh it was dull. Later I drank beer with nice people so it was all okay, I hope you are good - mwah xxx
I thought about you muchly today. Am missing your smile; your laugh; your hand up to your mouth; your gaze at me. I want you.
Please come and visit me here xxx Nicimos
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: @nicimos_
To: Mr. Nicimos
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 12:43:08 AM
Subject: Re: 'Pro' seemail to see male
That picture is hilarious! The dude with his hand on his chin looks so bored he's thinking of killing someone to liven things up. Ha ha! How awful!! But I am glad you had beer. Tee hee. Yes - I am imagining the heart attack I'd get to see your beautiful post cum face so very very large. I want you too. Am up late faffing around cleaning up my computer etc. I can't help but think of you as when I'm downloading pics I keep seeing this gorgeous pic of your cock in my files. It is so fricken pretty. It does not look British White - no Sir - it's rosy and I can smell it from here.
I can feel the softness of your skin and the warmth of this beautiful cock I so love. When I see it now - it's like an old friend. But an old friend whose pants I can’t wait to get off.
Was missing you today too. I expect you'll be off soon to _____. Maybe some pics will liven up the time??
My weekend plans are very loose. On purpose. I had so many pics to sift through on my computer as well as on my phone. Holy heck. Hoping to do some ______ blogging this weekend. Golly! Suddenly have all these crazy creative drives. No shortage of ideas - just the time and energy to complete them all!
I really do ascribe all the recent photo eroticism to you. You are such a sensual spirit you know? Thursday getting off the train I saw in the sunlight a most beautiful girl. Long red wavy hair with a fringe, burgundy boots, stockings and short skirt - red coat. It happened so fast and I was in a dense moving crowd but I wanted to take her picture for you. She was heart-stoppingly beautiful. I just know you'd have appreciated her and your little heart would have done a number just looking at her too.
Funny - I see beauty and I think of you. I've always had a sense of appreciation for natural beauty (well any and all really) - but it's like I know that you can appreciate a woman like that on many levels. From lust to 'I can't breathe, what a vision' kind of thing. You are NOT just a highly sexual man. Trust me - I've met many very sexual men in my time - some even more sexual than you (but in their case they'd lost all control - hiring women in multiples so often one forgot he'd already seen me at least 3 times before - holy addiction batman!) ..... however, you Darling Nicimos are a sexually charged man, but oh there’s so much more with it.
The details that you appreciate in a woman show just how sensual a man you are. I can't tell you just how exciting this is to me. But you love and lust with your eyes and with your sense of touch, and smell and colour. Your 5 senses are alive, burning, on fire.
I see that - I hear it, I feel it of You.
In comparison, other men are just ho hum black and white. You are a range of colour that only dogs can hear! You know what I mean! It doesn't take much by way of word or image from you and I am with you - in every part of my body and too my spirit. Riding waves with you - not in spite of you (as I often do with other men) but with you.
You are a delight. How many times have I said this?? I am CA-RAZY about you - in the very best of ways. No bunny boiling Sir! Just sweet admiration and lust for your charms. Your many charms.
It takes a special woman to appreciate your full charms. I'm getting there - but I know that no one could keep up with you. Your imagination is roving and wild. Just like your eye. But you're no pervert - this is just the way you are wired. Open and sensitive to beauty. Open and sensitive to the undercurrents of sex in others and at the same time - yourself.

Do you realise this in itself is a form of intuitive sensing? I know what you're like - because in some ways I am like you. In public places wherever people gather - I sense the unspoken sex even when all concerned believe they are not sending out signals. Signals can be turned off and they can be turned on. Literally. Like I was talking about in our last seemail. You choose to walk into a room and be noted by all - regardless of the silent footsteps you make. Or you choose to walk into a place and blend or become one with the all - unnoticed if you so choose. It is a conscious choice.
But for people like you and me - the sex thing is a whole other story! Personally - I can't stop from sensing the sexual in the atmosphere. In myself or in others. And even when nothing is going on at all under or over - well - then I find myself thinking and imagining this other or others in sexual terms. My sexual curiosity seems to never have a limit.
It never goes away. I can't help it.
Sometimes I think on these things actively - other times I just day dream and realise what I'm dreaming about. It's perhaps peculiar but I really do 'size up' everyone this way. Even senior citizens aren't safe from my sensual mind. Was out at the book store tonight. Doing it again! There was a bald overweight dude with cool specs, and you'd think I was 14 still ... looking at him and imagining having sex with him. And trust me - he was no traditional looker. It's not exactly about looks with me. I'm just sensually curious. Just like you are.
You my darling are a DELIGHT to me in your similar sensuality. I could imagine trying so many things with you - because its possible with you. I'd like to have even the boring stuff with you. I want the the ho hum god aren't we knackered but still horny so let’s have a quickie then fall dead asleep sex. I do wonder if anyone knows what a treasure you are my love. I am glad I can't have you every day. I don't have enough days in my life to get to be bored of you!
And you take two people with such vivid sexually sensual imaginations and it's like touching a different person every time.
Darling how could I tire of you?
And I don't have sexual expectations of you... meaning you're not a circus monkey expected to do the high wire act etc - and pull off some sexual stunt every time.
I think your own good quiet imagination is more than sufficient. Artifice is a turn off - and there's nothing more artificial than one trying to do or be what they think anyone else expects of them. You're too free-flowing for that. Which I absolutely adore.
Just like your seemails. Getting tingly now just thinking of them. Missing that sweet anticipation of knowing that at some point in a seemail I'm gonna see male.
You're such a fucking treasure!!
Love that moment when you start unbuckling your trousers.
I confess I suddenly get dizzy from lack of breath. Immediately. And I love it when you tease me. Or when you won’t and you just pull it out or touch yourself as we are talking.
I love being subjected to your cock.
And I can't wait until the next time my love.
Thinking of you, tonight. I am up late and you are getting up in a few hours - but I will still join you wherever you are. You know I can find you.
~ @nicimos_