9 Hours Ago:
Love seems to be in the air today here. Or lust. Northbound Bakerloo line, just now; really hot looking couple just standing really close. She had a full length herringbone coat on and her arms around his shoulders. From where his hands were, which were concealed by her coat. He had his hand between her legs. I could see the merest movement in his arm.
She had her eyes closed the whole time and their faces were inches apart. Neither said a word to each other but the way she kept putting her head back with her eyes still closed was unmistakable.
She pressed her lips against his as she came and held her mouth there in an attempt to not make a sound. He didn't flinch.
Erotic. As. All. Fuck.
Everyone lost in the drudgery of newspaper reading. Not me. It's why we were given eyes.
They 'got off' at baker st whole thing lasted maybe 5 minutes. Maybe she's blowing him off on the Jubilee line as I speak. Hope so!
C'mere baby. I wanna hold your, uh .... hand! ; ) Can u believe the vocal backing is Bowie?
David Bowie Love Song A&R Demo 1968
Wow @nicimos_ there I am telling the world about a little erotica and there you are! That's my girl : ) Amazing that its Bowie? Did you catch that little exchange baby? Amazing when you were just talking about doing the same to me in GWB.
That's beautiful synchronicity Nicimos. Loved how you described their brief interfrude.
The kind of sensuality I feel when I think of you.
I am so jealous. I want to be Her. And him you. That's exactly what I want.
Spring is in the air ; ) xxx
Oh it was just a little arousing @nicimos_ couldn't help but look! They were so in lust with each other. Quite beautiful really .
I imagined it was me and you for a moment. Especially as we'd only just recently talked about it.
I imagined riding the tube with you. Anonymously. Me in a long overcoat, you tucked inside. No one could touch us.
I'd wear a stoopid hat that'd make you laugh. I'd say 'pick a station' and we'll get off and go inside the first place we see. That's a good game. There's always something interesting to see. There's always something new. The world would be our oyster (card) haha.
I'd say pick a hotel. We'll be mr and mrs nicimos. What an odd pair we'd make in the foyer. Hot bath, clean sheets, &cold bubbles in a glass.
Night night my darling xxx sweet dreams when you Get there. I'm off to meet you now.
~ 2 Hours Ago ~
Nicimos, let's have oysters on ice in our room. You'll need the energy. Ahhh a hotel. You're right. Oh to have a room with a view of You! There's just something so unique about you my Nicimos. Somethings - plural. How is it you talk here and I can hear your voice?
The sound of your voice warms all the parts of me the daylight hours hide.
It moves through me and touches every single little part.
And it's in an instant. Watched and listened to you on the London high roads today. I saw all the others moving through their lives.
Oblivious except for thought of their Thursday destinations. Watched the London sun setting over the sound of your voice.
Golden rays ....
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~ Screen Shot of vid you sent me today ~ |
And I heard every nuance as those rays warmed your face your skin as you walked. Felt it on my face too.
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~ Screen Shot of vid you sent me today ~ |
Felt like I was wrapped within your travelling coat, walking with you.
Keeping up with your strides.
You're taller than me.
What it is to feel your voice wash over me is not unlike that warm bubbled bath. Not unlike the way my head feels with a glass of champagne.
I often feel more than a little heady when you're close in spirit in thought in word, here.
But there is a sorcery to your voice as if in some other life I promised myself to never forget the way you sound inside of me.
The longer I know you the deeper the knell.
As we speak, my body is softly humming. I'd just watched again what you'd sent me in the last two days. You could see me now, in the dark.
I am covered over and through in your golden etheric liquor. I am grown drowsy and desirous of You. A state now perpetually fed by You.
There are no parts in me hidden from this unusual touch of yours. The alchemy is ours and I grow addicted to this calling upon my flesh.
You take me in your mind, wearing that ridiculous hat, on a journey and I am in fact by your side. There's no one else I can see.
Even as you sign us into this hotel I won't take my eyes off of you. I study you now, like I always do, every turn of your head, I know.
I dreamt of this journey in my last night time.
I didn't understand why you were wearing a ridiculous hat in my dream.
You did say to me "pick a station." I picked one close to water. ~ This ringing a bell for you?
I recall looking around at the horizon, this strange place you brought me to. At first I thought you meant pick a pub. I was annoyed. But then with a grand sweep of your arm you pointed out a hotel in our view. I smiled at you. We walked in arm in arm.
I wanted to hold your hand instead but I was so close to you I felt the heat from inside your travelling coat.
Does this coat exist?
If it does not, it should do.
I love the way you wear your clothes. I love you in your immaculate posture but easy manner.
I listened to you book our room at the desk. Marvelling at your assured manner. ~ The world is your oyster N.
I know this.
I was missing you so when I went to bed last night. Willed myself to join you in dream. And I have, but the dream was something made by you.
How peculiar this is. It never was a sleeping dream for you. It was an imagining. But so strong I felt your arm. Smelled your cologne.
But darling Nicimos, the hat confused me when I awoke this morning, so I passed it off as a silly dream. I had decided not to tell you about it.
Holy fuck. Next time I won't, no matter how odd anything seems. See what I mean? Between us, time is a fruitless gesture.
I don't have to know the science of this. I don't care.
All I know is, the more these 'dream share' things happen twixt us ….
... the stronger the physical senses between us come to life.
I will, will that furrowing under your jacket. ~ Under your arm and close in.
Even now the warmth and smell of you from last night's dream catches the insides of my nose, my lungs, my throat.
What is this strange world where we meet? Where one if us can dream the waking thoughts of the other? They are both REAL!
We've talked about the interconnectedness of all things. We talk about time & space. But I begin to understand all I've read about reality. The occultists say that all is illusion. That dream planes are just another layer of 'reality' - connected to all, not separate.
Of course at the time I thought it was the work of Victorians smoking too much opium while reading ancient texts.
At that same time I willed myself to KNOW and experience through disciplines & practice any 'other planes' that I might access. Experience has taught me that these layers exist, but I didn't seek to share them with another. It was enough to 'go' on my own.
The thing that brought us together was discussion of the connectedness of all things. And when I have you that 'reading' spontaneously.
Standing alone at a bus stop over two years ago. 5:15 am on a dark snowy morning. I'd implored to the universe, use me! Use me... ... let these gifts I have be used to help others, not simply for my own benefit. I was sick of not contributing to this world I live in. Heart sick soul sick. And I had been asking the divine for days to allow me to help. 'Let me be of service' my exact words.
Then that quiet morning I'd just asked again, and you came into my head. Well the tarot card that represents you popped into my head.
Then in fast succession images of two others you were working with, and a unique situation between you.
But back then I didn't even know what you looked like. You were just a twitter avi. A funny guy with whom I sometimes traded amusing things. But the cards told me what you looked like, the hair colour, personality of all three concerned. I knew it was you because it FELT of you...
The way you felt any time we traded funnies. I liked the feel of you then. Wasn't at all sexually motivated. Thought you were a total doll.
Then I 'hear' tell him! You said you wanted to help, so tell him!! But but I said, I've never talked with him about my intuitive side.
He'll think I'm nuts. Unfollow! Delete! Block!
Just do it said the universe as it rolled its eyes at me. So I did. I DM'd you the info.
At first I didn't talk about seeing the one fellow in a barge on a canal. One thing at a time, right?
Fucking gob-smacked when it turned out to be real. You said he lived on it.
This is how intuition works in me. I see images and they look like dreams or memories. I'm STILL amazed how this works!
Long story short my darling... look how far we've come since that day I DM'd you to say, so NOW do you think we're all connected? ; )
I have lost count of the times and ways we've loved so far across time and space.
I don't understand it all.
I just understand I love to be this kind of close to you, in you, with you.
And I'm greedy, I will not stop until we shake off even more of this illusion of separation.
Last weekend was the best yet ~ climbing into a place together where the sex is supernal. In person I've always been able to see & feel the sexual images in my lovers minds as I touch them. Feel it too...
But to accomplish this at a distance??? Never ever imagined such a mind-blowing adventure.
You are unique Mr. Nicimos. The darkest occultist I'd known could not do what you are doing. Using simply desire to effect.
How could I not be in love with you? Running my tongue over your body & your mind & your heart. Feeling you do the same.
Erotic sorcery!
You have ruined me for any other lover. What on earth have they to offer me after all the choicest pleasure you drown me in?
THIS is why I am 'ever his nicimos_'
I never know where I'll rut you next ~ I just know it’s getting ever better.
Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time ...