The parts of courage expected of me should be the most natural expression in the world, namely, LOVE ~
I always prided myself on my ability to love. And love at all costs. The ideal I hold for myself being that of unconditional love.
Now there's a love that's easy to practice upon your children and easy enough to practice at the best of times with our friends.
It's all those other points and people and strangers whose paths we sometimes cross that can seem the sticking point. The fly in the jam jar.
Well now, I've been fortunate enough to meet a person whose lines cut so deep and easily into my being that my heart has nowhere to hide.
And what's worse is that until I'd met him it was just so easy to believe my heart an open giving font. And maybe by someone's standards it was.
But when a loving light is shone upon another's being, it can throw shadows when it meets the inner obstacles to lighting the whole damn place up like a Christmas tree!
No one but no one wants to feel the shapes of loneliness that dwell within those recesses.
I know I didn't.
Yet, the more light and love he showered over me, the more I became inquisitive about the nature of the love. The mechanisms of Heart.
The more I walked out into his Universal sunshine, the more I saw that this light this love is part and parcel of every animate creature (and often those seemingly inanimate).
Light begets light, and so I learn to find courage to take my own soft light to my own shady corners. I can in fact do this for myself. Yet, it means learning to walk without the false security of a thousand maps. Without atlas. Without compass.
For I'm finding that love has no set paths, because it is in fact, everywhere. There's a humming vibration of love of the flower for the bee. There is a growing awareness of same within everyone I meet.
I'm learning too that a little love released from within and shared without caveat, goes a long way. Sometimes further than you'll ever get to know.
Now, Nicimos, he's no saint or sinner.
One might say his gift lies in the ability to move through the eyes and open wonder of a child. Oh how we sometimes laugh at this maya around us.
Maya. The world as illusion. Understanding that we each contribute its formed formless structures. We build with our collective soul it seems, everything that exists now on our planet. And everything that has ever existed here.
The mind is the seat of creation. We are free to create decay, flourishing things and even those that appear to be inert.
Knowing this, we are exceptionally powerful beings. We have choice. Every day. Can we not then choose to foster love? Is not every meeting an opportunity to open to love? To both receive it in our dusty parts, and to give it with both hands without measure?
When push came to shove, X, gently challenged my desire to hang onto those few forms of love I kept for best days, reserved for favourite people only. His unconscious generosity has indeed sparked that flame and source within me.
As love rises so it multiples. Love is actually a fishes and loaves kind of mechanism, whereby the more you give away, the more you have to give away.
Thank you Nicimos, for reminding me that the basket can never be emptied ~ and the seat of the heart is the throne of the body. Love elevates always.
Thank you Nicimos for giving me yours ~
Thank you for teaching me the freedom in burning down my own walls. To walk in the most enriching manner ~ without compass ~
Love itself is a compass and balance. When doubtful, throw more love onto a situation ~ yes it can cast long shadows in others. Let love be your inner guide
Can't say that genuine un-afflicted loving ever caused my feet to stumble ~