~ Setting things on fire. Mostly words ~

~ Often speaking in tongues ~

~ to Each Other ~

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Opposites Talk Back

Like Chalk and Cheese and
Yet still you please me ~
Swear, Oranges, Apples
You'll always feed me ~

Of Plums and Limbs I've
Many tasted, but Yours, so
Sweet, on me, not Wasted ~

Your Basketful your Bushel too
I'll eat and eat till breathing Blue ~

I'm Greedy grown on You
and needy, on You dine Only so
Come NOW feed me ~

Opposites Attract Ourselves Abstract
Till Fictions Themselves eat
Only Facts ~

Then are We, as Chalk is to Cheese
Mirrored Images ~ Yet ~
Honeycombed Bees 

We may be like Cheese, is as
To Chalk, but Let's just fuck

Enough with the Talk!