~ Setting things on fire. Mostly words ~

~ Often speaking in tongues ~

~ to Each Other ~

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Two Heads, One ~

Oh good lord you're a 'wrong un' Sir, but that's just one of your most endearing (& terrifying qualities)

Fascinating man.  You're an energetic contradiction.  Duality is thy name ~ You've got two heads, and sometimes in conversation, they agree

Man with two heads... I think I like it best, when the gleam and the purr of your eyes match
When up & down offer each other kind passage ~

But I hate it most when your two heads bicker in front of me
Each trying to argue the other out of existence

I know that as a man with two heads, when the left hand befriends the right, there's nothing your hands cannot create

It's pretty exciting to kiss a man of two mouths ~ I never can say which one it is you'll give me

But shush now my love(s) ....

   Just take me into the fold(s) .... 

My Favourite Window Seat

Blushing Tart

Washing an apricot under running water, two hands.  I started to convulse with pleasure, along stem and sternum - the tender velvet hues of it pricked me into a shock of submission , and damn near melted my backbone with each tiny bruising little grasp

Truth be told (other than any other bumptious lie of mine) ... it was when that apricot flew up my ventricles the penny dropped.

This one's an apricot-pit (body) stone erupting nearly three hours since we spoke!

Here I find a gleaming roller coaster - I'm on the first fairground ride of an American coaster~car and on sensate silver skin rides these neural rails

Beyond aroused now.
I was really hungry but now I don't want to eat.  I just want to want to eat all night

I'm so aroused I've just split my seams

That's the way I feel when I'm with you.  I can't look at you but that soon I find myself skinning you like a peach, carving you with my eyes and with my little Tongue.