~ Setting things on fire. Mostly words ~

~ Often speaking in tongues ~

~ to Each Other ~

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Modern Day Shaman Pt.2

Sorry. Deleted the pic of my modern day shaman.  Just too personal. Too floored this dream man once existed here with us.  

*just breathe*

Never had anything quite like this occur before and I've not been short on supernal experiences since I was a little girl.   Hmmmnn.  

A man was introduced to me in last might's dream to me by my cousin.   My cousin had said he was a kind of modern day shaman, and he smiled.   Said I ought to let him help me navigate my way out of my current conditions of body, mind and spirit.  

I respect my cousin ~ of course I opted to get into the back of a New York yellow cab with this odd and slightly taciturn gentleman.    His name is 'Antonio' ....

My cousin DID give me his last name and I said to my cousin F in my dream 'Pardon?  What?! Gram-see?  LOL!  What's that?  What kind of name is THAT?  Sounds like graham cracker!'

My cousin repeated his name. Antonio Gramsci.   I just shook my head and assumed my cousin was not right in the head.  Gram-see wasn't a Native American name!  Not even Mexican, I thought.  Shook my head.  My cousin shook his head and gave me an image of Neoplolitan icecream in my head.  Pasta. 

What the ever loving fuck ARE you on about?  I'd said to my cousin.  F replied "Gramsee ~ like Italian" and he smiled at me and shook his head and sighed.  Just like my cousin did as we grew up in our childhood and early adulthood.  I lived with my cousin for a short time in Nova Scotia when I was 18.

I digress....

I guess after the last dreamshare involving my native ancestors that we'd had, I was so bent on thinking one of my first guides to come must be First Nations that I did assume the man/shaman F was introducing me to MUST be native.   And this guy he was introducing me to was swarthy, but not Native and not Mexican in appearance either.    I just blanked off my cousin when he tried to tell me the guy was Italian.   He showed me an image of this fellow in Little Italy, New York.  Then shows me a yellow cab and this Antonio is going to be my driver and my guide.  
So not kidding.   Life just got stranger for me.   But in a good way.   I kind of hope this guy comes back.  I'd like to have a guide who sticks around a bit longer ~ teaches me.  Mentors me.   

What he talked about in my dream:

The 'shaman' said to me that 'religion, government and science creates crisis creates situations, dangerous in the short run, since the various strata of the population are not all capable of orienting themselves equally swiftly, or of reorganizing with the same rhythm.'

He expressly showed me how organized religion, governments & Science creates the net or basis from which many of us go along with from which to hang from our co-creations with them.  

~ And here too his actual words .. 

We are the builder and that built (this he said to me in the dream):

He said we are not free because we do not know that we are.  We run from and we run to needlessly, because some of us don't even understand the poles we have created and accepted as a a place between which we vacillate.   Such misery and fear within this milieu, we laid down the structures over centuries.   But he said, we are creatures that are builders and once awake to where we are, can build anew along new lines and leave the old 'fault lines' abandoned to decay back from whence they came.    

And here is he what said when he said in life ~

In my dream Antonio had said to me ....'religion, government and science creates crisis creates situations, dangerous in the short run, since the various strata of the population are not all capable of orienting themselves equally swiftly, or of reorganizing with the same rhythm.'

Oh my fuck.  He said that and I SAW this clip, in the middle part of my dream.  Saw the bit of this vid where the nun is chasing the men through the European city


In the dream he expressly showed me how organized religion, governments & Science creates the net or basis from which many of us go along with from which to hang from our co-creations with them.   We collude in our own realities here.  

But it is an illusion to believe that there is nothing more than what we have created to date.  

He said we are not free because we do not know that we are.  We run from and we run to needlessly, because some of us don't even understand the poles we have created and accepted as a a place between which we vacillate.   Such misery and fear within this milieu, we laid down the structures over centuries.

   But he said, we are creatures that are builders and once awake to where we are, can build anew along new lines and leave the old 'fault lines' abandoned to decay back from whence they came.    

     I am so flipped out right now.     I agree with everything he was showing me. 

~ "The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear."

He said "Ideas and opinions are not spontaneously "born" in each individual brain: they have had a centre of formation, or irradiation, of dissemination, of persuasion-a group of men, or a single individual even, which has developed them and presented them in the political form of current reality."

He said that "Man is above all else mind, consciousness -- that is, he is a product of history, not of nature." 

He'd said that "How many times have I wondered if it is really possible to forge links with a mass of people when one has never had strong feelings for anyone, not even one's own parents: if it is possible to have a collectivity when one has not been deeply loved oneself by individual human creatures. Hasn't this had some effect on my life as a militant--has it not tended to make me sterile and reduce my quality as a revolutionary by making everything a matter of pure intellect, of pure mathematical calculation?"

But in my dream he was saying he was partly right about things he'd surmised but was then still missing an important piece in that now he understood that we are all connected, yes, but in his time on earth then he didn't realise how firmly we as a race could choose to individually and collectively uproot our current conditions by use of our individual and collectively concerted consciousnesses.    

These were more philosophies and ideals for him.  He sensed the unity man, but the tangents he saw the masses lost in left him feeling sure mankind just would never 'get it.'    He felt man would rarely understand the solidarity to the party of the true authentic Self.

He thought certain they might never share collective visions to build outside of the frustrating limitations and single-minded intents and beliefs of religion, government and science.   Each of which in his time (and still somewhat today) sought a supremacy for the minds and intentions and grosser resources of mankind and of the earth. 

Said he'd tended towards collective politics because at first it seemed to share his vision of a supportive more focused way to utilise our mass energy.   

Perhaps we could shape and build a greater 'global nation' of individuals contributing to the growth of fellow individuals outside of the narrow parameters we had.    

He says We have the power to change our milieu, and to build again...  if we are willing to unflinchingly look within at what each one has built.   

I am ready for this, but like everyone else, has become emotionally attached to our surroundings.  They have become like touchstones we keep upon mantelpiece.  

He said little and big earthquakes are coming to loose these stones so you might as well let them fall wherever they now become loose inside of you.  

Begin to move.  To climb. To travel inwards until the terrain no longer has the dust of these old cities beneath my feet.   

What's coming loose under your feet these days?

Maybe we need to start in simplicity ~ find a way to learn to be simply human again?


~ We Are All Connected ~ Just here to explore that with You ~