~ Setting things on fire. Mostly words ~

~ Often speaking in tongues ~

~ to Each Other ~

Thursday, 14 February 2013

~ Open letter to my Lover on Valentine’s Day ~

Good lord how I loathe Valentine’s Day!   

Not that I dislike love or lust or the shades in between.   Not at all.   It’s that Valentine’s Day is the number one known murderer of spontaneity.

I really don’t see “Love” as an enshrined day, having much to do at all with the ways we love and have loved, my Nicimos.

(You are my Nicimos.  A word in the language of one of my peoples, Nicimos, means "lover," or it can mean "my sweetheart," as in what a man calls a woman or a woman calls a man).

But I digress …. for me you have been about surprises that came suddenly that I could not anticipate.   So quickly that frankly, I panicked at first.  Not the reaction most ascribed to the chicks in most fables.

            You are Sensual surprises that when they appeared, knocked the breath right out of me.  You move in slow motion till I can eat every grain of your senses one by one by atom.   You can’t get much more sensual than that.   You are a generous lover.

            You are about Sexual surprises that still make me gasp when I am under and within your hands.   I was genuinely disturbed the first time I saw your naked unsheathed cock.  Its origin is something that arises from out of the uncharted states of nature.  To say it is primal and raw is fair, but “wondrous” and not a little frightening are closer to the truth for me.    I believe in flames I believe in fire, but in many unspeakable ways you emanate that which gives out in a keening primordial fashion.   Uncut.  Raw.    You my darling are pure, howling sex with a capital “S.”

Not surprised many women cannot ignore the unconscious signs and signals that flare out from under your lightly sheathed masculine form.

And I don’t mean to be blunt, but, I'm not short on observation of the male form.   I know of which I speak ~ this Sexual Adventuress who at times took her adventuring within a mercantile framework needs no imagination to feather out her impressions of the male form.  

            In all these regards you are an arbiter to the unexpected erotic late blooming of a woman who thought she’d seen everything, was sure she’d felt everything a woman could.  
Of careful thought and surreptitious planning you are King, of this I’ve no doubt.  Your thoughtfulness sometimes puzzles me as I’ve always thought this kind of kindness to be pillowed far back beyond reach in the back-most offices of my secret desires.

I love this about you, a mind like a steel trap, and the smells and nuances others would obliviously trample over, you pick up and press away in that great big marvellous head of yours.   Then on quiet nights you bring them out and wave their scent before me.   

      You are mnemonic.  Not many people are that, let alone men.

                  In thoughtfulness you thrill me.  You always have. But I confess that it’s in your spontaneity where I hear a snatch in glimpse of the true beat beneath your brows.  I see what truly beats beneath your intentions.

I treasure much the unguarded words and the looks you give me when you meet me face to face.  

        You were right, you've a face that cannot lie.  

I read on it the soft ways you’d twist my body, the way you’d lift it just high enough through your flame to burn it.   Then you take me, phoenix-like from ashes to breathe through me, and into Us another incarnation of love and of lovers.

Speaking of incarnations, for a girl who likes spontaneity it’s amusing to consider I have drawn to me one whom my blood says I have fucked and loved with, probably more than once in lines of time that run to this, our present.

If I am fortune’s child, I will one day love you again.  I will fuck you again.  I will breathe you again.

            You are surprises that cannot be anticipated.  No one really needs a box jammed full of costumes for play with you.   You carry that box around with you in your head.  And better yet, you’re always willing to share its contents.

I delight in it that you, yourself, are as surprised as a child at Christmas when some other thing rises to the top of your box of treasures.   I love to watch your sexual joy.  I love to feel the taut strings of your feeling in these moments.   I love that you share them with me.

        You are your own box of treasures.   I don’t mean to be crude but You are a golden duck who keeps on giving golden eggs.   From out of your mind and your mouth and your sure body.  

        You are a golden duck who does not know that He is.   You’re fucking Modesty Itself to be honest!

        You are the Spontaneity that makes Valentine’s Day a real ‘ho-hummer.’   A blah blah whatever.  

I kind of think you've totally ruined Valentine’s Day for me.  What can one measly day possibly hold that compares to the everyday every week of knowing You?

            I dunno but I rather think you bear gifts enough to me.  You’ve already given me them in parcels beyond count.    When you read or re-read all those things on my other blog that bear the print of your cock and your tenderness par excellence, well, then we both know it to be true.   

But for the sake of the day, I lift my glass to you (and all my other best parts), wishing you a very happy Valentine’s Day, for the day’s sake.     Poor Valentine’s Day, so much to live up to.  It can be but so little You if it tried.

I just know I'm going to be burrowing into that treasure trove of your heart and your pants, just like I do, every day.     

          Sincerely Yours,

