~ Setting things on fire. Mostly words ~

~ Often speaking in tongues ~

~ to Each Other ~

Friday, 15 February 2013

The Mark of You

                I confess I had to wait to see your video creation at home.  Glad I did.  Couldn't view it at work.   That's firing material right there.    

It is the most fantastical erotic loving frude pornographic thing I have ever seen.   I loved every single second of it.  

            And that piece at the end where you are furiously pulling yourself off?   Oh _____!   

                   Most beautiful thing of pure cocksmanship I've ever seen.   

I have to tell you.  Every time I saw you in any way shape or form, there I was like Pavlov's dog, growling on my haunches, instantaneously aroused.  

Ding ding ding ~ all I can hear is the dinner bell and from past experience, I KNOW PRECISELY what's on this menu.   And I know exactly how large the portions are. 

And all I have to do is see any image of you.  Any image and my breath grows ragged, and I confess I do drool a little.   And these cherried nipples remember You.  The soft ring and call signals to my bones and my softest flesh to wake and stir. 

Watching your video I was by turns aroused, bemused, and caught long in between those invisible strings that lie between us. 


You remind me of every brilliant thing you are.   Anyone may watch this video, but only you and I know which of these images taunt us most, 
                                                                                 and please, 
                                                                                              and why.

 Oh Nicimos. How do you make me giggle like an idiot, so very aroused and cry all at once? How I love you

          Brilliant!  Such gorgeous gorgeous photos Nicimos!  And the one's that aren't of us aren't bad either.

Wow wow wow wow wow.   I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me here.   You're leaving me without the power of speech.

        I'm really trying here, but You're leaving within me with Sounds That Can't be Made.

                You know, with what you have created you have left me feeling just like I did when I made that 'Breathe' video for you....

                                                            in love with you.

      ~ And though I will not share that video with anyone but you, here are some images that came out of it.  
                        You know they have the mark of you in every frame.   

          And I know that only you can hear the piece of music that went with them ...