What on earth would it take to snake-charm a Snake Charmer?
I do not yet comprehend how it was done,
just know, that what's done is now done.
The Charmer's charmed this Snake Charmer.
Enthralled She is
to maybe,
be His.
Or maybe, He's Hers
So I've heard.
All I know is,
as the Snake Charmer emerges
from time in His clutch,
and finds
Herself, now, more than ever
to be more than amazed,
thorough-heated and such
willing and wanting ~
desiring His touch,
He kindles Her higher
by the fire-maze of patterns on flesh
He is weaving right through Her,
by the careful brush of His rosy-hard hues
again and again, till
She Understands only this
that Her Cobra Headed Lover
can always deft
killingly choose when sets free His Red Hues.
But for now, it seems
He seemingly chooses this Charmer
Though he thinks not to harm her
She stumbles, is fazed, as
His charms intimately
Her senses.
Were She wiser, She'd have run, not have stayed
midst His charms ruddy-displayed,
His peacock mesmeric, well aimed, so well played.