Um. Wow? Properly blown away by all the supernal goings on here with you my Darling Anonymous.
This was what you'd said in your last blog piece (Three Little Words And A Man On Stilts) ...
"I WAS aware of you all last night throughout sleep. I was having conversations with you about this very blog.
I dreamed that we were together in a nearby town, but I was over twelve feet tall. I had stilts on, but you were convinced they were my real legs. Convinced. You kept feeling them and going ‘No, they’re real’. We were in an antiques warehouse looking at stuff and you were going, ‘What’s the price on the ticket right up there? Can you see it?’ And I’d reach up and see for you. People were looking at us and saying ‘Gosh isn’t he tall’ and I was replying ‘Yes, but I’m on stilts’ but they didn’t want to hear it.
Maybe the moment I felt you cum was when I suddenly fell off the stilts. This woke me up. I had such a smile on my face at the thought of this here odd dream."
Then today after work I'd finally got the chance to read this post of yours after work and was properly blown off my seat.
Again, we've shared another dream. I was going to tell you that in a response blog piece to yours but we ended up chatting live over our shared Twitter account when I was in Starbucks on my way home. Of course that's late night for you where you are!
I'd never got the chance to tell YOU about the dream I'd had last night. I was going to email it to you at work. Got busy, said I'd check out your blog piece after work. But so I wouldn't forget my intentions, I posted something about it on my other Twitter account this morning at 6:20am, before I headed out the door for work. It is all about you, as some things there are. The darkness and moodiness of the posts on my other account, are all mine ; )
Now talking live today I'd said:
After which You reply on our shared feed:
To which I reply:
You say:
Then I blurt:
So ~ here it is as I'd said I'd do, put up the privatized screen shots that I'd written at 6:20 am this morning.
Only roughly alluding to my dream. But enough of a reminder for me to tell you about it later on.....

YOU are that friend I am referencing here. I was referencing your emails from a few days ago when you told me about running across the Victorian Sideshow museum in your City . I had assumed that it was this emailed imagery that had sparked my dream last night. Our shared dream.
But days before your chance run in with the sideshow I had begun to think the Rolling Stone's 'Paint it Black' in my head. Probably because of a little black cloud I'd had over my head mid last week. Played it out in my head (I know it so well, it's one of 'my' songs), then I blasted it for real on my mp3 player. Wondering what you would think of this song and could you have guessed it'd be mine? I never said a thing to you about that though as it's not uncommon for me to 'listen' to music in my head and ruminate over it. I was standing on my train platform, hearing this and assuming I was so very alone in my head and being.
A day or more later you blurt out about some museum you've run into and you'll send me pics of it when you can. And... what drew you in was the Stone's 'Paint it Black' roaring from the exhibit speakers. How fucking peculiar.
The long and short of it is, is that I couldn't have known about your dream, until the late afternoon when you posted that last piece of yours. And yet I'm telling you about it in a vague way on my other Twitter account.
The whole thing gives me chills. Have other people experienced what we do supernaturally, across time and considerable distance? I don't understand why these things keep happening and happening between us since we first began to move our knowing each other into a different room. I'll be honest, it does make me treat you with more respect and notice than I give most people. Regardless of gender.
The Universe won't let me forget how connected I am to you. I really thought it was just another non-sensical dream. And yet, what I said is true, I find from time to time you and I are chatting in my dreams. Hanging out in the most unlikeliest of dream palaces and places.
What I also said via our twitter chat this afternoon/your evening ... I wonder if it wont be long before I can move through these dreams with you, in a way where it's more lucid and I am in full control of our chatting and 'doings'
It's a funny thing to realise that I have been missing you, but that you are still there, here, in the ether, chatting with me. Doing silly things with me.
And yes - I have dreamt of talking over our blog here together, a few times. And because of the feel of the dream I had highly suspected it was more than a simple dream, but rather an actual meeting of sleeping spirit on the astral what have you planes.
This is all one huge mystery to me. But I feel honoured to be sharing this with you. As you know, I'm not short on supernatural experiences in my life... on my own and involving others. But, nothing nothing nothing has ever happened to me the way that you happen to me.
You gotta understand, it can be quite frightening to have anyone close to me again. I'd had no intention of being in a close relationship with anyone for a very long time. I still don't! And yet our lives and spirits intertwine so remarkably I cannot ignore it. It's just not possible.
I'm beginning to lose track of the number of supernatural things that have already occurred between us.
All I can think regarding this latest is that it may be there for me because I had pulled back and away from you. Wasn't feeling great. You know about my current health challenges. Enough said there. I hadn't spoken live with you for some time. Was kind of avoiding it. This health challenge? I'm finding it's been that thing wounded animals do to go away and get their shit together, or die trying. Really needed time to adjust to my diagnosis, etc.
Huge story short, standing on that platform, listening to my signature BLACK song, I so assumed I was successful in creating a womb where no one but me exists.
But even in this I am wrong. For reasons I cannot fathom, we are in each others worlds. We are in each other's pockets. Resting in each other's mouths.
It's a bit fucking weird and scary because it's more intimate than anything I've ever known with anybody. To not be alone inside one's body is very disorienting sometimes. To enter yours so freely is the same.
Just promise me, as we go on, if I ever say something really stupid to you in one of OUR dreams, just tell me so. Remind me to breathe, and remind me that we are in fact dreaming.
This may wake me up inside our lucid dreaming. And just once I'd love to be as awake as I can. So I can fuck your astral body senseless. You know how I want you.
So better yet, if you see me in one of your dreams, take me. Take me take me. Make love to me. I want to feel your spirit cock, not just your talk.
Until then ... I am ~
Your Dirty Bitch xxx