Yes. Blown off my seat atall this. It’s what I’d imagine an ejector seat might be like. Your last bloghere is incredibly meaningful and beautifully put together. Words areincreasingly unable to convey the things currently happening between us. Whichis why your other post of just images is just so damned clever. I loveeverything there. They all feel so familiar and precious to me.
This supernal thingthat we share; I have no control over it.
I never know when it’sgoing to happen and I don’t even realize it’s happening because this connectionseems to exist within our dream states. It’s out of our hands.
Maybe Edgar Allen Poe wason to something when he asked:
“Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within adream?”
My feeling is –whatever this unfathomable thing is, it’s a gift. You’re right, it can’t beignored. As you said the other day, many people would give their right arm forwhat we have. We just have to run with it. And while we’re running, keepremembering to breathe, k?
This pic was taken inthe park in the summer and I had quite forgotten about it. Yes, the summer also*brrrr* It’s by an artist called Peter Liversidge. It’s a timelyreminder of what you have always told me. Thank you my darling – it’s true.